Work in Progress Update

I've been working on a couple of clay over cloth dolls for a while. The doll above I am making for the CWT Spring Launch. I want her to have the kind of buggy eyed look that the Izannah does on the banner of my Izannah's Daughters blog.

The doll below used to be a Santa Claus a long time ago. But I was unhappy with that creation, so I took off the beard, sanded and added clay, etc. until I got to this point. She/he needs some additional paint layers. She/he was going to be black, but I decided against that, because Plain-n-Simple has the most wonderful black Izannah inspired doll on Ebay right now. :-)

I'm working on my Be Good Tanyas
"Littliest Birds" painting. New panel for this one.

And this is the panel I've been working on.
I primed it again for a fresh start.
Some kind of colorful quilty layered
glazes kind of thing for this, I think...

And I've been working on some things that there are no ways of presenting visually. But they're important just the same, like some genealogy research and my son's 16th birthday party. Here he is talking with his Aunt Trinie on the phone.

Happy 16th!

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden