Addicted to Possibilities?

For the next two weeks I'm determined to clean out my Creativity Zone (also known as my studio or workroom). I use different words to describe the room depending on who I'm talking to. ;-) If I'm talking to serious artists of course it's a studio that is filled with Great Ideas and sometimes ANGST. If I'm talking to family I call it my workroom, because I want them to realize that I'm WORKING when I'm down there. But the phrase that fits for me, is to call it my Creativity Zone.

Right now it would be better called "Make-Do Heaven." I have so many things I've collected thinking they'd make great make-do dolls. And I'm such a packrat. I seem to be addicted to possibilities. Like the vintage thread above. Am I really going to use it? No. But all these things are crowding out my thoughts. So....what was I saying?

Oh, yes - I'm going to be cleaning out and making the Creativity Zone work better for me. So keep checking on Ebay because I'll be listing cloth, patterns, books, embroidery thread, buttons, trim, etc. I'm facing facts, folks! I'm not a quilter, so if you are, keep your eyes peeled. I'm not an emroidery person, so if you are, then great! In the past few months I've been able to narrow down my focus with folk art and I'm going to make room for those things that are specifically Northdixie.

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden