Collecting Satisfactions

A long time ago I read about "collecting satisfactions" on Katie Estvold's blog. She found the original post at Charming the Birds from the Trees. I originally wrote about collecting satisfactions here. This week several things have happened that are worth being thankful for here.


When we went to get the H1N1 vaccine for our children at the local civic center, it was a thing of joy (and I thought I heard angels singing) to see OUR pediatrician walking across the civic center to give our boys their shots. This is especially meaningful when you have a child with autism, and getting your child a shot is akin to an Olympic Event. The fact that someone who knew him was giving him the shot made it do-able. He did great. This was only possible because Dr. Carmack, GOD BLESS HER, was volunteering on her DAY OFF. My husband described it well "divine intervention and human grace".


This week someone who is in the Izannah Walker Dolls group pointed out that the Izannah Walker Chronicles was mentioned in the November/December 2009 edition of Yankee Magazine. It was so fun to be able to see a passion of mine - researching and writing about Izannah Walker Dolls - mentioned in a magazine as a resource for those who want to know about Izannah Walker.


The contractors are done and pulled out of my driveway. Yay! They have to come back in 3 weeks and install shutters and that's it! Yay again! I love the red. Yay again!


I discovered Greek Yogurt at the grocery store. YES. I love that stuff. It's higher in protein and gives me a little boost in mid-morning and afternoon when I need it.


I made soup this week. Making soup is one of my favorite things. Partly because it gets better every time you reheat it.


The fundraising efforts for the 5th grade Boston Trip are coming along. There are lots of parents involved, which makes for light work. I like that!


I saw a friend's photography last night at a group show. It was fun to see artists displaying their work and having fun. But it is mostly fun to see my friend, a forty-something year old mom, going back to school to study photography. I am encouraged by her reaching toward her goals.


When someone asked about my artwork last night I was able to pull out a business card. And that was primarily because of my friend the photographer urging me to make them.

1 comment:

Anne Borge said...

I'm loving your sites, Dixie. Your a true inspiration both as an artist and doll-maker.

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden