A Gift Out of the Blue

On January 1 of 2008 I decided on a whim to start a blog about Izannah Walker dolls. I had been able to take some pictures of original Izannah Walker dolls, and I thought it would be a good platform for sharing those. I set out to gather links about Izannah Walker all in one spot for those who want to study her work, because when I was trying to find information about her there was a little bit here and there. A Walker family descendant googled Izannah Walker when she found a letter written by Izannah, and when she did, my site came up in the search list. So she emailed me, and then we called, and then she sent me scans of the letter that Izannah Walker wrote to her sister. What a wonderful thing to be able to see Izannah's signature and handwriting. Seeing the handwriting of people who lived long ago is especially interesting to me because it shows some aspects of their character. I included one page of the letter here, but if you would like to see all the pages, click the Izannah Walker Chronicles banner in the sidebar to see the rest. Thanks, Jennifer! What a nice reward for the work I've put into the Izannah Walker Chronicles site. :-)

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden