Izannah Walker Workshop Update

In later December, my Izannah Walker type pattern will be ready for release. Then in January, I will be offering a workshop for those who would like an in depth tutorial on making the pattern. If you'd like to see an example of the detailed tutorials, then click here to view my hand tutorial.

One of the fun things about developing a pattern is getting all those doll bodies out of the process! I really enjoy drawing faces on the dolls - even if I'm going to gesso over it or add paperclay to it. You can get particularly silly with it if you know it's going to be covered. Hence the one with the moustache. I'm on my 10th head prototype and I'm pretty close with one of them for what I'm shooting for. What fun!

If you'd like to take the Workshop in January, email me and I'll put your name on my Izannah Walker Workshop contact list. Thanks for stopping by! ~ Dixie

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden