Patching House: Before and After

Here's our house after our siding project. When I feel behind in the stuff that I want to do in and around my house, I remind myself that we actually have done quite a bit here. Here's our house before our siding project. J. Jones Building Construction did the work.

Back of house before:

Back of house after:

The blue tarp is necessary because the bulkhead leaks slightly. When we have a tarp on it we have NO problems at all. I'm sure that's fixable, even if the only fix is to buy a green tarp. ;-)

Above is the walkway to our mudroom door which we always use as an entrance. Our front door only gets used for furniture deliveries. ;-) Below are what I hope will be BEFORE pictures. This summer we are planning to work on sprucing up the front landscaping, such as it is. My idea of landscaping is "design by subtraction" which means taking out all the overgrown 20 year old shrubs that grow into the walking path. This area gets sun till noon.

The azalea that blooms for 24 hours
and takes over the walking path
for the rest of the summer
is going.

I have an idea to plant
a carpet of low growing sedum
in varying shades.

I also want to plant sedum in the planter
on the steps and fill in with other annuals.
Steps need to be painted, too.


Anonymous said...

Dixie,there are several varieties of creeping thyme that would be low growing and smell really great if you like plants with scent.They would grow well with your sedum.
judy j

Aimee Jeffries said...

Wow what an amazing difference! Love the new colors and shutters!

Judi Hunziker said...

Dixie, blue vinca is a creeping ground cover that keeps out weeds. Beautiful choice of colors!

Robin's Egg Bleu said...

You have a very beautiful home! Red is one of my favorite house colors.

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

love love love the color of your home..Fantastic...;)

Cindi Myers said...

I just saw your comment on Sandy Mastroni's are very funny.
I love your house!
I adore Dandelions!
I'll be back, it looks fun over here!
Have a good weekend!

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden