Day 9: Pressing Matters!

Today has had pressing matters on the home front (nothing urgent) but the phrase did make me think of a sewing tip that really helps with construction.  Pressing (not ironing) seams can make a world of difference in the way that sewn projects present.  Some people skip this step, and it shows with lumpy seams.   After you sew a seam, press the seams on top of the sewn stitch.  Do not iron back on forth, press the iron down then lift up then press more, etc. Let the fabric cool off before you move it.

I did a little searching about this to find a good written tutorial, and found this one  Edelweiss Patterns.

Here is a video from Youtube that shows more about pressing tips by Nancy Zieman.

Suzanne Fletcher, a member in the Izannah Walker Workshop class and Maida Dolls Group member, made the following doll and wardrobe for her doll using the dress pattern from my Izannah pattern.   This goes to show that a simple design can be "fleshed out" in a variety of way with trim, different colors, a slight gathering of the sleeves, etc.  But I can see the pressing really was one of the steps which made these beautiful dresses.

I have a few more ideas along these lines to share in the coming days. Improving sewing skills will improve your doll making skills. Some of the older sewing books such as Vogue sewing books or the OLD Reader's Digest guide to sewing have wonderful instruction in them that are not in the newer books that rely more on special products.

Featured Dollmaker:
Deanna Hogan

~ Dixie Redmond

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden