B is for....?

Sometimes when I cruise through antique stores I see items which are vintage (maybe 70's) but not true antiques. I consider them fair game for make-do bases! The bucket thingy above I had intended on sanding and painting with layers of paint and then sanding to look old and worn But the tole painting would NOT sand off! So I decided to go with it. It has a B painted on it..

B is for Baby...

B is for Bear...

B is for Blizzard...

B is for Block Party...

B is for Bumbling...

B is for Bunny...

B is for Babbling...

Okay, enough, Dixie! B is for Bunny because I need to think of spring and warm weather and Easter. Stay tuned for the Bunny part. I'm still making her.

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden