It's presently 6 degrees here in Maine. But the website I got that information from says it "feels like 2 degrees". And so it does. I'm cold and definitely ready to take up the challenge to write about warmth!
The word warmth is always associated with coziness in my mind. It's not just a temperature description, but to me conjures up a homey place to relax. Comfortable. A dependable fire in a cold climate - bowls of steaming chowder - flannel jammies and a stack of good books come to my mind when I think about warmth. Nesting. Warmth is also a humble word. It's the kind of word that envelopes you. It has no edges. Can you sense the roundness of it when you say it? Can you see a fluffy, chill-stopping scarf being wrapped around a child by her mother? Warmth!
As I write this, I realize there is always a feeling of coldness that comes from the window just next to the computer. This is not a warm spot! I need to change that! And I think I need to go to the store and buy the fixins for chowdah.
Oh! The doll above is my first offering for the new website that will be opening on March 1 - www.thehumblearts.com. You can see more pictures of Janey if you check out my picturetrail to the right.
Hi Dixie! I can't wait to see the new website. It really has been cold here in Maine that is for sure. I am hoping to be able to do some work inspired by the word "warmth". Keeping my fingers crossed for us both.
Hey Dixie:
I'm sitting at my computer and my feet are freezing. Reading your "warmth" topic made my feet a little warmer.
Thanks for the warmth:
Garden Painter Art
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