View of My Backyard

April 3, 2007 - view of my backyard, 6 a.m.

Maine really is beautiful and if this were December 24th I would be overjoyed. ;-) I've been wondering if maybe I'm really living in Narnia and the white witch has taken control. But I will choose to believe this late winter storm is what my granddad used to call "nature's fertilizer."


Denise Aumick said...

That is a beautiful picture and would make a great Christmas card!

Yep, too bad it's a couple of months late.

Gerushia's New World said...

Well Dixie, seeing as I'm in So. California, the snow looks beautiful to me. BUT... I'm not the one who has to shovel the driveway!! It's 80 degrees here today.

Garden Painter Art

MaryAnn said...

We freaked abit when we woke up to snow this morning. But this time of year it doesn't stay long. Thank heavens! Beautiful picture anyways.

Shabby Cottage Studio said...

Beautiful picture Dixie! We saw that same kind of thing here in TN last night. Where did the 70 degrees go? ;-)

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden