Day Off Update

Me, Dixie, holding an original Izannah Walker doll
at Lucy's Doll House in Camden, Maine

Be still my heart! I was able to get pictures of some of the construction details of the doll which was like going to dolly heaven!

What a beautiful shop. Last year I didn't know much about a lot of the kinds of dolls they have there. This year I was able to identify the makers of particular dolls just by looking at them. That was rewarding - it showed I've been doing my homework!


Christine Crocker said...

oh Dixie,
you lucky lucky girl.
What a beautiful baby...she is perfect!
I would have loved to have been a little birdy on your shoulder all day.

Atticbabys said...

I'm green with envy! Twice in one lifetime to hold & examine an Izzy? You are soooo lucky Dix! Wish I had been there with ya! :-) Nan

SympleTymes Cloth Art By Sherrie Nordgren said...

oooooOOOOoo you lucky girl indeed
wow that is a life for ever changing feeling to actually hold a REAL izzy !!By the way your just beautiful too!!

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden