Angels for Brianna Silent Auction Site

Beginning on Sunday, July 8th, 10 a.m.

Ending on Saturday, July 14th.

Many artists have banded together to offer angel related art items in honor of Brianna, the daughter of folk artist Iva Wilcox. I dont' t know Iva personally, but I've always admired her work, and have followed her blog and prayed for Brianna and Iva and her family. The items will be offered in a silent auction format.

Brianna was diagnosed with MDS in October of 2006, and fought the battle of her life for 8 months. Brianna passed away in June. Iva Wilcox, Brianna’s mom, is a talented part of the art community, and this is how we’ve all come to know and love Brianna…click here to read Iva’s beautiful stories and photographs of her daughter.

For more specific information about the bidding process, please go to the link above. The money collected from the auction will be used to help cover the funeral and medical expenses incurred by the family, and to fund a wonderful program that Brianna started at her high school called the National Art Honor Society.

Please visit the auction site tomorrow at 10 a.m. to bid on the works created from artist's hearts.

1 comment:

Sylvia Anderson said...

Thank you again for supporting the auction Dixie!! We are all so excited about this event! :)

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden