Despite the sound of crashing computers at my house, I was able to take some pictures of works in progress and get them on the old computer. I finally got Izzy's legs remade and am very pleased with them. She really is a big girl - you can get a sense of her scale as compared to my sewing machine.

The small brown doll is my offering for the Ava Grace Auction. I was thinking what would happen if you crossed an Izzy doll with a Hitty doll? I am going to be making her a sweet little dress from vintage polka-dotted material and giving her wings.

So that's what I'm working on right now. The Izzy will probably be listed on Ebay later in the week, plus I have a Jack-O-Lantern Folk Art Portrait I'll be listing tonight! Fun!


Lana Manis said...

DIxie ~ both of these are beautiful! I'd love to try an Izannah sometime... eventually...


Denise Aumick said...

OOoooh, paintings AND dolls! Can't wait to see them. I love that landscape abstracty/impressionistic with the red bldg painting that just flashed by on your 'Past Works' film.

Blondie ~ Vintage Primitives said...

your Izzy's are always top notch. I love the expressions you are able to capture.
Sorry about the computer crash - it is sobering.

Atticbabys said...

The Hitty/Izzy really has the look of wood!!! Great job on both Dix! Can't wait to see the polka dot dress!

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden