Dixie and Two Izannah Dolls

I thought I lost this picture in the great computer failure! But I found I had uploaded it to Picturetrail. Yay! This picture was taken at Lucy's Doll House in Camden, Maine. They sold the small Izzy in the floral dress to a buyer in Michigan, but the Red Izzy is still there, I believe. I had rushed down there after church back in July - it's about an hour and a half from here and I was worried I wouldn't get there in time. It's the kind of doll shop that would be so fun to just stay there for 24 hours and look at everything. Both dolls are sweet, and would be a pleasure to own if I didn't have to pay the mortgage ;-)


Anonymous said...

what a lovely picture of you three girls!!!


BerryPatch said...

Great Picture! I love the dolls you make just as much as the originals!! By the way, YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED!Visit my blog for the rules if you want to play! Deb

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden