The Overlapping Seasons

This is the time of year when seasons collide. Little League starts up, but school is still going and there's a play to perform this weekend. There's a sense of summer in the air but so much to be done to wind down the academic year, and work to be done and teachers to be honored, and husbands go on business trips...

We are looking forward to spending time at the newly renovated camp cottage owned by my dad. It has turned out so great! What was once a plan on paper is a reality, and it will be much easier to fit 4-5 adults and 4-5 kids in this 26 x 26 cottage. We added some bedrooms in space that was open to the rafters. And we designed it to be a "three-rear" kitchen so that when my mom and my sister and I are all in there doing something we can each have our own zones.

Here is a picture of the bathroom
and old kitchen spaces we combined
to make a larger kitchen.

Here's the after view
of the two rooms combined
to make a "three-rear" kitchen.

I bought all the lights at The Bright Spot .
Their service was excellent and such fast shipping!

There's a lot of sawdust to sweep and dust away.
Furniture needs to be moved back in.
I anticipate a lot of fun here
and many family memories to be made!

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden