Coffee With Tea Itty Bitty Izannah Walker Inspired Dolls

Doll by Mandy Broome of Fiddlestix Studios

There are many wonderful past dollmakers that we dollmakers like to emulate. Emma Adams, Ella Smith, Julia Beecher, Martha Chase are examples. But no other dollmaker inspires like Izannah Walker. There is something about studying a master that informs your own independent creations.

The Coffee with Tea Ebay group had a challenge to make an Izannah Walker inspired doll that is under 8 inches tall. All of you dollmakers out there know what a feat that is! Smaller is not easier. I am so impressed with the creativity of the dolls that came from this challenge.

Click the links or pictures to see what each dollmaker has made.

Doll by Jackie Hendricks of Plain-n-Simple

Doll by Nancy Gerber of Atticbabys

Doll by Dixie Redmond of Northdixie Designs

Doll by Bonnie Cain of Saltforkridge

Doll by Nina Mason Dolls

Last, but not least, don't forget to visit

If I had the discretionary income at this time, I would buy every one of these beauties and line them up. They would be wonderful displayed as a group!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Dixie, how very sweet your itty bitty izzy is.


"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden