Who is Dixie Sargent?

Last night my husband and I were talking about people we've googled. It ranged from old boyfriends to high school friends we've lost touch with. I guess I've been a Redmond now for as long as I was a Sargent, because my husband pointed out to me my high school and college friends would be googling my maiden name, which was Sargent. I almost forgot. So I googled Dixie Sargent. The first hit was for a quarterhorse that shared my name. THAT Dixie Sargent was born in 1947 and was the child of "Monte" and "Old Fluvana". Now, my dad picked out my name, and I'm wondering if he was watching horseraces as a boy and the name stuck in his head...

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden