I Was Created to Be Creative

I guess John McCain, Sarah Palin
and I (on the right)

have something in common..
my shirt holds the clue
Click the picture to enlarge it.
Big wink on that!

There has been a discussion on an artist group that I'm in about hands and creativity. This past week I was talking with one of my sons about how we're made in God's image - that He created us to be creative - He designed us to make things. So in this artsy group I said,

"I was created to be creative."

When I forget this life becomes more of a burden. It becomes more of a checklist of the what needs to be done than what can be discovered.

I think the picture above is when I was 20 or so. I had the 80's big hair thing goin' on with a cowboy hat. What was that about?


Sandy Mastroni said...

yes .... what needs to be done
I get stuck there sometimes
I got that book ....
The magic lamp
It's pretty good !!!!!!!
I'm having fun writing the dreams down .
Have a good weekend !

Dixie Redmond said...

Hi, Sandi - I need to dig that book out again. Since I read it some things have become more clear...


Countryfolk Keepsakes said...

I love that shirt Dix, I'm sure it could make a comeback. :> )
Thanks for stoppin' by my blog too! ;> )

Dawn said...

Too true, (what was that with the big hair? and why do I wish it would come back!).

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden