A New Blog

Last week I was at a family party and mentioned my blog. One of the younger family members said incredulously, "You blog?"

"Yup," I said.

Her eyes widened . "Are you on facebook, too? It used to be for young people."

This makes me smile. I suppose they ought to come up with a format for us old people and call it GrayBook.

Back to blogging. Recently I have been working nonstop on a family history blog called Some Sargents of Maine. I've been uploading information my dad has been gathering for decades and putting it online so all our far-flung family can see where we come from. We come from country Maine woodsmen and seafaring people - tough people and hard workers. My dad has been transcribing a decade of my great-great grandmother's journals and giving overviews on what was going on in the family and family business during those times. It's fascinating. The picture above shows my great-great grandmother Mary Butman Sargent, the journaler. I am pleased to get to know my family.

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden