Organizing My Office

Happy New Year!

Organizing is the theme of January, isn't it? The retail stores know it, too, because when I was in the women's clothing section of Target yesterday, they had a HUGE stack of plastic containers. I also bought some clearance Christmas boxes to use as storage containers in my office. Here is one particular spot I like. Now to clear off the desk.

I don't usually make resolutions on Jan. 1, but last year I made a resolution to have more fun and started the Izannah Walker Chronicles. My resolution to "have more fun" was really code for "reduce stress". That's an interesting journey to embark on that leads down many paths. The way I approached it was to decide which stressors could not be eliminated and which ones could. For instance, I'm not going to abandon my family and move to Hollywood. ;-) But there were other things that were negotiable. It was hard to make those decisions, and I suspect that the "having more fun" will really come in 2009 as a result of making decisions in 2008. One of the stressors of my life is clutter. You know what they say about clutter? That it's delayed decision-making. That's a very true statement when I look at all the STUFF on my desk. So here goes - one way to eliminate stress is to de-clutter. It IS freeing.


Jo James said...

I started off the New Year by cleaning my studio :)

Happy New Year, sweet Dixie-chick!

Dixie Redmond said...

My studio is next week. It is truly hard to walk in there.


"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden