Springtime in the Garden for REAL

Each year during the winter Maine gardeners wonder which plants are going to make it from last year. We occasionally succumb to catalog pictures and choose to plant things that grow great in Maryland, but in our cold climate bite the dust. I am always soooooo thankful when some of the die-hards begin poking through the cold April soil. These are pictures from my garden in the morning sunlight.

No coddled babies these - daylilies and azaleas that you can't kill.

They have survived 40 below temperatures.
I admire their pluck and fortitude!
They deserve to be honored.

Honored, but perhaps moved.
This azalea is going to be taken out -
it misbehaves and starts overtaking the walking path.
But I'll wait till after she blooms.

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden