Going to Camp

Yesterday my mom and I rode up to Cold Stream Pond to unload some things at her cottage. She is ready to move up for the summer. Going there made me think of my great-great-grandmother's habit of moving to a cottage her sons had built for her in Searsport. My grandfather said that when Grandmother Sargent got to the hill above Searsport where you can see the ocean she would always celebrate by saying, "Smell that salt air!"

On the way to the lake we some some beautiful sights -

A Turn in the Penobscot River

This pony was watching me suspiciously
as I took pictures of the river across the street

On the way to the greenhouse -
a view of Mount Katahdin at
the end of the Appalachian Trail.

I happened to have my camera
so took a picture of a field close to home.
The green of it has been a daily gift.

1 comment:

Lana Manis said...

Just beautiful Dixie! I think we all should have a place to "get away from it all" if only for a few hours.

Thanks for sharing your part of the world!

Thank you, too, for the email. I meant to reply sooner, but got side-tracked. I'll answer soon!

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden