I checked and saw that I've been working on the doll below several months! I attached her arms and legs last night and will be finishing her up as she only needs dressing now.
I found the sweetest blue green print for a dress and she will get the obligatory red riding hood cape to be presented on Sunday in the CWT Red Riding Hood Rides Again Parade.
I've been working on a project dealing with family history and my great-great-grandmother's journal. It doesn't look like 8 hours went into this but it did! And more than that, because my brother downloaded the topographical map for me. :-)

I tweaked the free template pattern and will be doing a tutorial on making an Izannah inspired doll and posting the tutorial in the Izannah Walker Dolls group's discussion forum. This isn't the pattern I will be doing a class on in the fall but an improved version of the 2007 pattern I already shared.
If I were to show other works in life I should have taken a picture of the garlic rice and stir fry I made last night. And perhaps a picture of the piles of laundry in the cellar would be in order. And the many offerings our puppy has given us in the back yard. But I will spare you. :-)

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