Works in Progress

This doll is one I've been experimenting on.
I'm not sure which direction I will go with her,
but it's interesting to try new things.

This is one of the little dolls I've made
with paperclay over wooden beads on a dowel.
Now I have to figure out how to attach her head on a body.


Susie McMahon said...

They're great Dixie......they look so OLD, like they have just been unearthed from an old trunk in a forgotten attic.......

Julie said...

Hi Dixie,
They are both absolutely WONDERFUL!!!! and they do indeed look really old.

Julie said...

Hi Dixie, it's me again. I would have emailed you but this computer will not bring up the link to your email. But I have an idea for you. Try taking a styro foam ball and cut it in half and shape out the shoulder plate. You can them may be put it under the cloth into the shoulder area and stuff out the body. Then you can glue her neck in to the styro foam. I'd probably make sure the hole was in before you insert it into the body. jsut an idea for you.
p.s I just love your blog

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden