The Power of Before & After

I am a sucker for Before and After pictures. But when you think about it, it's really what artists do. We take raw materials and make them into more than the sum of their parts. A poet takes the rawness of individual words and arranges them in a particular order to convey a picture. An artist takes paint and canvas or pencils and paper and conveys an image that our mind remembers.

And Beckie Farrant saw what this sad blue chair on the left could become:

Before & Afters are really what life is about. It's about choosing to change. Do you feel like the sad 1970's dirty blue chair on the left? You can become the chair on the right. We do not have to stay the way we are. We often choose to, but we don't have to.


I Purr-Furr to Craft said...

wonderful makeover, i like the sentiment too. very apt for life.

Infarrantly Creative said...

EEEEEK! Thanks for the shout out. :-)

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden