We took 573 pictures while in DC. Lucky for you, I've condensed the trip for you to a few. On the first day my older son and I went into the Smithsonian National Portrait Museum. He likes museums - they're quiet and we were having a good time looking at pictures. I stood in front of the folk art sculpture above, almost forgetting Alex was there when I heard him ask,
"Should I ride that?"
At this point I found a nice bench for Alex and I to sit on and discuss whether or not he should ride the priceless folk art sculpture. It went something like this:
Me: Alex, that sculpture is priceless, and we don't won't to break it.
Alex: Oh, so it's not worth much because it doesn't have a price.
Me: No, priceless means that there is only one like it and you can't ever get another one just like it.
Alex: Oh!
Me: And when we're in museums, we have to show respect. (This line was repeated often during our trip to DC). We can look with our eyes and enjoy that but we can't ever touch the paintings and sculptures.
The funny thing is, I can't get the image of Alex riding a bottle cap covered giraffe out of my head. Wouldn't it be fun if it came to life and he really could ride it? I think I need to make a painting of it. And there wouldn't be a jail involved.
This picture was taken after we had walked
for miles and miles and miles in the drizzle
to get to the Lincoln Memorial.
for miles and miles and miles in the drizzle
to get to the Lincoln Memorial.
My younger son didn't believe
how big the statue of Lincoln was
until we got there.
This picture captures
how big the story is.
how big the statue of Lincoln was
until we got there.
This picture captures
how big the story is.
As we were leaving the Lincoln Memorial my son said,
"Mom! Mom! Come look at this!
We're standing where Martin Luther King
gave his "I Have a Dream" speech."
"Mom! Mom! Come look at this!
We're standing where Martin Luther King
gave his "I Have a Dream" speech."

The boys at the Washington Memorial.
No words can express my thankfulness.
No words can express my thankfulness.
We met up with friends at the Smithsonian Museums.
Chris got this picture of all 4 of us together.
It was a great trip.
Chris got this picture of all 4 of us together.
It was a great trip.
Dixie, it sounds like you had a fabulous trip! I've always wanted to visit the Smithsonian...but I've never even been to the east coast. Or Europe, or anywhere for that matter. Tijuana a couple of times. How pathetic is that?
What a treat you all had, and I love the photo of you all together!
Dixie, what a wonderful wonderful trip to take with all your boys! There's so much to take in, so much emotion there, in the art and the history.
I loved seeing all of you together, such a handsome family.
At first look I thought it was covered in buttons! That's the happy thought of the day if I start to get frustrated, Alex riding a giraffe, but I'm picturing it covered in buttons now I just can't help myself :)
What a nice trip! I think its great that the boys were so inquisitive about the things they were seeing. Wonderful photos too!
Thanks, all -
Aimee - I thought it was covered in buttons, too!
I think that Alex should get to ride some sort of giraffe - - somewhere. Maybe on a merry-go-round. It looks like a great trip!
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