Back from the Withington Auction

What a fun time I had at the Withington auction.  Auctions are funny things, because you can go with intentions to get particular things, and leave the auction with an entirely different list than you went with.  And I am a sucker for those end of auction box lots, which is how you come home with items like "box full of doll stands".  ;-)

On Saturday I dropped my friend Edyth off at the airport in Manchester, and then continued on to Maine to a soccer tournament to be held in Wells.  On the way, I stopped and saw the sunrise at York Beach,

The lighting was magical.

The picture above and below is of a salt marsh 
on the way to a beach house community. 
I THINK this would have been to Ogunquit.


Town Common Folk Art Dolls by Penni Sadlon said...

Hi Dixie,

It must have been a blast to attend the auction in Nashua! And York Beach! We stay there every summer...we rent on Long Sands and my mom has a sweet country cottage on the Nubble! Lucky you to vist and LIVE in Maine! My dream destination someday....

Dixie Redmond said...

Penni - I love Maine. I was born here and then took a detour for a while, living in Georgia. But chose to come back to Maine for college. It's an amazing state. And it's a LONG way from my house to York Beach ;-)

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden