Small Notebook Is Gettin' All Up in My Business

I wanted to title this post, "The Writer of Small Notebook is Stalking Me."   But then I got to thinking that would make light of the dilemma of people who are actually being stalked.  So then I thought maybe I shouldn't write this post.  And then I thought, "Well, duh, change the title!"  

Have you ever read something another person wrote and thought, "Has she been following me?"   Or even scarier, "Did someone put a computer chip in my brain that transmits to the writer of Small Notebook?"

I was checking my links blogs for 404's, the dreaded dead end in computer life.   Think abandoned factory building.  When I clicked on Small Notebook it went to the post called "How to Make Things Harder and Do Nothing".  That post isn't there anymore and leads to spam. But you can find that post in the Wayback machine here - the writer passed away and the blog  URL has fallen into other hands.  If you search Small Notebook and "How to Make Things Harder and Do Nothing" on the Wayback Machine you can find it still. 



McNally School said...

I agree with every one of Small Notebook's rationalizations. Is it EVER a good time to wash laundry and dishes?

Dixie Redmond said...

No, but I sure do enjoy a clean kitchen. ;-)

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden