Half the time I don't know what I'm doing, but half the time I do! Half glass full. Today I opened up a Tumblr site. I've got no clue what I'm doing. I do know this, though. To only stay in the area that is comfortable means I won't learn and grow.
I bought a new-to-me used sewing machine yesterday using birthday money people had given me. Made the deal through email and then met the woman at the Augusta Barnes and Noble bookstore. I have no idea what this machine can do, but it has a really nice stitch and I'm looking forward to learning. Plus, now I can get my old machine cleaned and tuned up.
My friend Dani Pease took the picture above. It was a busy, magical day. Dani is a great photographer. Her photograph captures exactly who I am at this point in my life - a somewhat geeky middle aged woman who is fascinated by folk art. I like what the photo expresses so much I'm even overlooking my (ahem) double chin in posting it. Because it shows I am intensely interested in what I'm doing and there's a hint of I don't have a clue as well. Let the learning begin!
Half the time I don't know what I'm doing either Dixie. I have a variety of interests and they feel like they are all scattered all over my brain. Projects sitting around half done, projects sitting around not started. Ideas floating in my head. =) You're not alone.
But! Half the time I DO know what I'm doing. :-)
I like the photo because it features a weird angle of an Izannah doll. I wish that someone would take a video of an Izannah being handled and held at some point. I still don't have a good feel for what they're like in 3D. My family and I are finishing up the last day of a trip to Boston today. I meant to go to the Wenham Museum to see the Izannah while we were on this trip, but there's WAY too much cool stuff in Boston.
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