Half the Time...

Half the time  I don't know what I'm doing, but half the time I do!   Half glass full.  Today I opened up a Tumblr site.   I've got no clue what I'm doing.  I do know this, though.  To only stay in the area that is comfortable means I won't learn and grow.  

I bought a new-to-me used sewing machine yesterday using birthday money people had given me.   Made the deal through email and then met the woman at the Augusta Barnes and Noble bookstore.   I have no idea what this machine can do, but it has a really nice stitch and I'm looking forward to learning.  Plus, now I can get my old machine cleaned and tuned up.  


My friend Dani Pease took the picture above.   It was a busy, magical day.  Dani is a great photographer.   Her photograph captures exactly who I am at this point in my life - a somewhat geeky middle aged woman who is fascinated by folk art.   I like what the photo expresses so much I'm even overlooking my (ahem) double chin in posting it.   Because it shows I am intensely interested in what I'm doing and there's a hint of I don't have a clue as well.   Let the learning begin!


When Two Becomes Five said...

Half the time I don't know what I'm doing either Dixie. I have a variety of interests and they feel like they are all scattered all over my brain. Projects sitting around half done, projects sitting around not started. Ideas floating in my head. =) You're not alone.

Dixie Redmond said...

But! Half the time I DO know what I'm doing. :-)

McNally School said...

I like the photo because it features a weird angle of an Izannah doll. I wish that someone would take a video of an Izannah being handled and held at some point. I still don't have a good feel for what they're like in 3D. My family and I are finishing up the last day of a trip to Boston today. I meant to go to the Wenham Museum to see the Izannah while we were on this trip, but there's WAY too much cool stuff in Boston.

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden