Experimental Painting
June 20, 2011

Today I did a very fast painting.   I need to do a fast painting at least every day and have a few that are in process that are more planned.  But gestural works are fun to do.
I've seen some wonderful paintings done by some other artists recently that inspired me to PAINT.   I have a tendency to dream and not to do.   Dream paintings are perfect y'know, unlike the ones where you actually move the paint around on a surface.
There was no thought prior to this...truthfully it was squirting paint on a panel I had and moving it around very quickly with a big brush.   I used Golden Fluid Acrylics, a new kind of paint for me.  Like the paint!  There are all kinds of things wrong with this painting.  For instance, there is a weird spot in the middle where all the paint came together.  The white paint creates a bullseye effect.   But there are some passages in it I enjoy.   And I remind myself that doing some fast paintings is very good practice.
Now, it would be interesting to go back into this painting with some other colors and subdue the pink and add some green and fix some spots.  Hmmmmm.  We'll see.


Linda Packard said...

Dixie, these are so great! I can feel your energy in them. I hope you leave them as they are because (I'm only saying from personal experience) going back in later, with intention, you'll be tighter and the verve won't match. You may end up fiddling with the whole thing, making it into something more solidly representational. But then, maybe your way of working is different and you can make it work. But I personally like the slight imperfections in the composition. It becomes more about the process than the representation. My two cents.

They remind me of monotypes a little. I should try that fluid acrylic. The second time in a week someone has mentioned it. You do these every day?

Dixie Redmond said...

Thanks, Linda. I think you're right, I'll leave it as is. In my doll making class I always tell people to make "learning dolls"...but I realize I haven't let myself do that with paintings very much. My plan is to do a FAST 15 minute painting every day. Who can't fit a 15 minute painting in. Painting on primed printmaking paper is a nice way to do that.

I love monotypes! It was one of the things I really focused on when I did an independent study at Umaine many years ago.

JDConwell said...

I like that you "Just Did it". It is indeed too easy to accomplish dream works rather than real works. :~)

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden