Beauty in Surprising Places

I heard one of the other kids say to my son, 
"Why is your mom taking pictures of the toilet  building?"

Don't you love it when someone
makes something mundane beautiful?

A detail of the luscious color 
and texture created 
by wind, sun, rain and snow.

The mundane does not have to be dull and boring
as proven by Windover Art Center.

The plastic trash cans at Windover Art Center.

All done with Sharpies!!!
by Julie (Julia?) a staff member
at Windover Art Center.   

This makes me want 
to buy some Sharpies 
and  a plastic trash can.


Maureen said...

Dixie how fun. I agree I want to go buy a truck load of sharpies and doodle forever!

Robin's Egg Bleu said...

That's a toilet? It's by far the coolest toilet, shed, outbuilding, whatever....that I've ever seen! I love the look of colorful old doors, and that's why I love Sante Fe and New Orleans so much!

Hill Country House Girl said...

Love the faded colors, Dixie! There is an old water tower near our grocery store. The paint on it has peeled and rusted over the years and I always admire it when I drive by. So I get it when you admire the "toilet building"!

JDConwell said...

That IS awesome. For a year now, I've been tempted to use my collection of mis-tinted house paints on the wood planks around my raised garden beds. This is just the inspiration I needed.

P.S. What was your boy's response to the "Why?"

Amber Avines said...

Nice Sharpie art!

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden