Day 27 of 31 Days of Art:
Izannah Walker Inspired Doll in Progress

When people in real life ask me what I do for artwork I've stopped saying "I make art dolls" and say, "I make art inspired by antiques."   They don't get dolls, but they do get antiques.  ;-)  Studying Izannah Walker Dolls has been a focus of mine for the last 5 years or more.   It's not all I do for artwork but it's what I'm most known for at this point in time.  I'm in my "Izannah period".  ;-)

This is the first time I have gotten the feeling of the downcast eyes that are such a hallmark of Izannah Walker's work.   This doll has been sanded too much and I might lose what I have here in the next stage of painting.  If I do, so be it.   But  I wanted to capture it with the camera in case I lose it  This doll started off looking like one of my sisters as a girl and then morphed into one of my friends from young adulthood.  Amazing how much we carry around other people's likenesses in our heads.  


Hill Top Post said...

I wondered how long we would have to wait for one of your Izzie's to show up in 31 days of art. She may be your best yet! I think it was Deanna Hogan who said she sprays her dolls with a coat of matte finish before applying the antiquing glaze. I now do that (Krylon Matte Finish spray) and have been so pleased.

JDConwell said...

Dixie, she's wonderful. You're right about carrying people around in our heads...I'm forever discovering one of "my people" in a doll's face. "Oh, hello. Where did you come from?"

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden