Even More on Making Christmas Ornaments

This is a repost.  For the past few years I've done a post on making Christmas ornaments.   You can view the other Christmas Ornament posts here.

This year we made an old stand-by - ornaments made with cinnamon dough.   This is a fun thing for kids and adults.  You get the fun of making cookies without any calories.  Your house will have the aroma of cinnamon for the time that these dry.  You leave them on the cookie sheets and flilp them periodically because as they dry they begin to curl up.  So flip them to even that out. It will take several days for them to dry.  But it's an easy recipe.  Hint:   Natural food stores sell spices in bulk for much less than grocery store prices.   For the recipe click here  

I also made this heart in house ornament
based on a tutorial by Michele Made Me.

Michele's version below is made with recycled greeting cards.
Michele has a number of AWESOME tutorials at  Michele Made Me

via Michele Made Me

I've been looking for EASY ornaments because a family member has challenges with fine motor skills.  The cinnamon dough ornaments are perfect and fun.   But if you'd like to try other ornaments or see some offered for sale by artists, visit my Pinterest board for other ideas.   


JDConwell said...

The cinnamon ornaments are beautiful, and so is the fascinating little heart-in-a-house. Makes me look forward to when my twin grand sons move here to Texas and I can do this kind of thing with them!

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Hi Dixie
I just tried to upload a photo of my doll to MaidaMarketplace and I am not sure whether it loaded or not as I had trouble cropping it. I am not a genius at computers and I may have hot the wrong button. Could you let me know and I will try again if it didn't load properly, thanks so much for this chance to display my doll!
Marguerite (Tina)

Lee Prairie Designs said...

Thanks Dixie for sharing the little house heart in a house ornament that you made and the one Michele made for you...so clever!

Carolyn :)

Dwell on Joy said...

I've never made these, but I've heard that the house smells amazing for days! Definitely going to try with my three boys!

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden