I Can't Keep Every Treasure

I discovered I am a collector of Little Red Riding Hood books.  I knew I had a couple, but didn't realize I had five.  I'll keep the little 1880's one, and then will sell others to send them on the next stage of their journey.   I want to whittle down my collections so that I can enjoy what I keep. 

I'll be making a box of things to sell, so if you are interested in antique children's books and other antique/primitive resources, keep your eye out.  I keep a lot, but am getting to the point where I can't wedge any more onto the shelves in my house.  These are wonderful printed pieces that deserve to enrich another person's life. 


marian said...

i think i might have one or two Little Red Riding Hood books in my collection and i would definitely be interested in your books..will you be listing them on ebay??

Dixie Redmond said...

Hi, Marian - No, when I get things organized in lots I'll just be doing up a post with Paypal buttons. I have *more* antique/vintage children's books I'm finding. :-P

KT said...

Thanks so much for visiting my sadly neglected blog. I too have grown children and have been sorting things in order to make room for a couple of them who have come back to the nest for a while. I love your dolls and artwork! You have inspired me.
Thank you,

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden