Dixie Goes to Auction

A new woodstove in late winter in Maine makes for exciting times!  This past weekend I went to an auction.   I even took my husband's truck, which I'm sure made him nervous.  But I didn't get any big things, mostly smalls.   The dolls started gathering around the woodstove.  Be careful, Paper Doll Izzy

Dolls from left to right are by Jackie Hendricks, Elaine McNally,
 Unkown carved doll, Megan Holloway, and an antique Brucker Topsy-Turvy.

Elaine's Izzy is warming her feet. 

The woodstove is either a cast iron doll stove or a salesman's sample.  I'm not sure which.  It has movable and working parts.

I also got this doll sized step-back cupboard.  No idea of the age, probably vintage, but I liked it anyway.

It was such a neat day, I decided to let the creepy dolls I accidentally won in from the cold garage to warm up.

They looked a tiny bit less scary near the woodstove.


Jan Conwell said...

I just really don't think they're that creepy...love the stove and the cupboard, and all the dolls! Especially the old guy.

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

Oh, they are sweet. That looks like a salesman's sample woodstove. Adorable!
The cupboard too, I've never seen such a beauty.

Unknown said...

You know, I've never been to an auction... Sounds like fun, and what treasures you found there. The stove, oh my! And the cupboard, oh dear! The dolls love them too (I can tell). :)

Dixie Redmond said...

Michele - Oh, it is so fun, especially if you go with a friend, Michele. And you would find all kinds of stuff to use in your art. This past week I bid on a piano bench just because it had old sheet music in it.

The "old guy" lends a little bit of balance to all the femininity in my collection, Jan.

Susan - I loved these! I'm so glad I went to the preview or I wouldn't have seen these images online.

Dixie Redmond said...

Oh, you would be so fun to go to an auction with, I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

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The Stitch Fiddler Bethann Scott said...

Your pictures are wonderful! Love the little stepback cupboard and the dolls look so content to be warming by the stove.


Lee Prairie Designs said...

Great win at the auction Dixie! I have one of those salesman wood stoves too--from a aution we attended about 8 years ago. I have 2 kettles, a tiny iron and a stove poker that came with it.

Enjoy your new treasure!

Carolyn :)

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden