Work In Progress


It's February school vacation, and in between keeping the offspring happy and engaged, I've been working on these creations.  The Maida Dolls Group is working on a group challenge to make characters from our favorite public domain storybooks.   I'm making a Little Red Riding Hood.  She's inspired a bit by some antique book illustrations, by Izannah Walker, a Superior papier mache doll, and a little bit of antique Alice dolls. 


Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

Hi, Dixie:
Your dolly is going to be beautiful. I love her "hair" and I can't wait to see the clothes!

Jan Conwell said...

Wonderful balance and symmetry in the shape of her face, Dixie. I look forward to seeing her all painted, because she looks to be one expressive little hybrid dolly. :~)

Hill Top Post said...

This is going to be one special "Little Red Riding Hood." I think Izannah Walker would be pleased! And, of course, I love the molded hair!

Dixie Redmond said...

Thanks, all. I like branching out a bit. :-) We'll see where she ends up.

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden