Making Choices for Little Red Riding Hood

I'm at that point with Little Red where she is trying on fabrics.  
Always a sign that completion is near!  

And here is a mini Izannah in process. 
Penny is in there for scale. 
Her ears are applied cloth ears rolled together.
She will get arms and legs after I finish Little Red above. 

For Autism Awareness:

Excellent article here which where 
people with autism, parents of people with autism, etc. 
talk about how to change the world. 

Dixie Redmond


Judi Hunziker said...

Hi Dixie, I think they are all very nice. I am very partial to the one on the right because it softens her look. She is going to be so sweet, I can tell, :)

Robin's Egg Bleu said...

Have to say, I'm partial to the fabric in the center photo. But she's so beautiful she could wear anything and look fabulous!

Moochas said...

Oh Dixie she is lovely. I like the light one on the right also. Very nice

Countryfolk Keepsakes said...

Beautiful, Dixie!! The fabric on the right is perfect for LRRH. ♥

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden