More on Using the Brushes App on My Ipad

A family member called to see if I was okay because they hadn't seen me post recently.  Things are okay but busy.  We had to manage a routine doctor's visit and then a surprise rash for one of my sons.   Our stove's oven caught on fire, too.  I guess it's been a bit busy!  I haven't been doing much doll-making, but I have been trying to keep some art in my life drawing on my iPad.

I've talked about using the Brushes App on my iPad  here and here. I was showing it to my Mom, and it was fun to see all the changes that one particular drawing went through. So I decided to share it here.

Dixie Redmond

1 comment:

Countryfolk Keepsakes said...

This is very cool, Dixie. I do love those tomato heads of yours! But PLEASE don't call him a creature. He's much too handsome for that. ♥

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden