Sunday Morning Thoughts

In this season of graduations and commencement speeches my hard-working great-great uncle's words come to mind:

Uncle Bob was a woodsmen.   He was born in the late 1800's and lived until the 1960's.  With his brothers, he owned a sawmill at one time which made board boxes sold to a company in Boston.  Later, when the sawmill burned he worked on his own.  He worked hard.  He believed in a square deal.  

He lived in a time when Teddy Roosevelt was President, and of course, Teddy Roosevelt believed in THE Square Deal.  (I'm not sure Teddy Roosevelt could get elected in today's political climate, when you read what THE Square Deal meant).  I don't think Uncle Bob meant THE square deal. 

But still, the idea of a square deal is interesting.  You could organize your days fruitfully around the idea of a square deal.  It might mean:

You treat other people well.
You expect others to treat you well.
You expect others to work hard.
You expect to work hard, too,
for a common good

These are the things rolling around in the gray matter on a sunny morning in Maine.

Dixie Redmond

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden