I Want a World Where Both My Boys Are Valued

I want a world where both my boys are valued. Yet, I seem to live in a world that would give my neurotypical son a heart transplant but not my autistic son. 

A young man named Paul Corby, aged 23, was just denied a spot on a heart transplant list because he has autism.

Several years ago at the Lincoln Memorial in DC
after walking miles and miles in the rain


Cheryl @ Bingle Bears said...

Thanks for letting us know about this petition, Dixie. I've signed it and added a comment.


Dixie Redmond said...

Thankyou, Cheryl! Hugs to you and yours.

Robin's Egg Bleu said...

Petition is signed. I cannot believe the ignorance of an educated person such as this 'doctor'. What happened to the hypocratic oath? This is disturbing and disgusting behavior. This young man is just as deserving as any other human being for a new heart if he needs one. I am appalled. I hope my signature can make a difference.

Annelein said...

That is heartbreaking and so wrong.

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden