Columbian Doll in Process

The Maida Dolls Group has been having a Columbian Doll challenge.  I am not going to make today's deadline, but I am not far off.  I am using Connie Tognoli's wonderful 29" Columbian pattern to make this sweet classic American cloth doll.   I shrunk the pattern by half to make a smaller doll at around 14.5"   It's been a long time since I made a cloth only doll!  I'm out of practice painting faces on cloth.   The left picture shows in process and the right picture shows my doll face in its finished state.   Now to attach limbs and make clothing.  It was fun to do something a bit different and to try another kind of antique inspired doll. ~ Dixie Redmond


Monica Johansson said...

Your doll is marvellous! I would love to try to make one. Thank's for the tips on where to find Pattern! Best regards from Monica

Jan Conwell said...

She's luvelly, daaahlink. Seriously, you did some wonderful painting there!

Sarah said...

Glad to see I am not the only one behind in finishing! Your painting is beautiful. The features are so soft and charming. I am working on this size also. Didn't it take a lot of stuffing. My hands were stiff in the morning! I notice you are using Golden Paints. How do you like them?

Dixie Redmond said...

Thanks, Monica. If you do a search for Connie Tognoli's pattern I think it leads to contact information on the Maida blog. It's a really nicely designed pattern, and fun to put together. 19th century design is quite something!

Dixie Redmond said...

Thanks, Jan. In winter, I drag all my painting stuff upstairs and paint where the sun is. :-)

Dixie Redmond said...

Sarah - I think there at least 3, maybe more of us still working on our creations. Yes! It did take a LOT of stuffing.

I LOVE Golden paints. I usually put a base coat down of a less expensive paint and then come in with Golden paints on top of that. I use Golden paints when I do 2D paintings.

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden