My husband calls me Storm Center.
As in, "Hey Storm Center, did you buy water and batteries?"
I have been known to drive to Portland for a shopping trip and when I got down there all the stores had big X's taping up their glass windows because a hurricane was on its way. True story (before kids).
Before the Great Ice Storm of 1998, my husband told me to gather supplies. I underestimated the impact of that storm, and bought a few gallons of water, sandwich meat, In case you are wondering, CUPCAKES are not on the storm preparation list provided by the Red Cross.
The Great Ice Storm of 1998 was a disaster. We were very lucky that we lived on a road whose electricity service is on the grid with the wastewater treatment plant, because we got our electricity back quickly. But others were not so lucky. Many were without power and heat for weeks. Some people lost their lives. You can see some of the pictures of that storm here:
The Great Ice Storm of 1998 was a disaster. We were very lucky that we lived on a road whose electricity service is on the grid with the wastewater treatment plant, because we got our electricity back quickly. But others were not so lucky. Many were without power and heat for weeks. Some people lost their lives. You can see some of the pictures of that storm here:
Out of long military habits, we keep MRE's on hand as well. They taste awful, but they keep forever, and require no power to prepare. Be safe and stay warm!
After all the necessities I think cupcakes should still be on the list!
Be safe and hoping you are warm and cozy this weekend!
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