2013 Northdixie Designs Works in Progress

My desktop computer bit the dust a few weeks ago and I was keeping up with online things with my iPad.  iPads are great in so many ways, but they are not the same as a PC.   There were so many favorite sites like picmonkey.com that don't work with an iPad.   Or auction preview pictures, etc.  

The positive side of the computer hiatus is that I got working on a few projects.   Here is my new laptop (yay!) and two Izannah Walker inspired dolls in progress.  The doll on the right will be a gift.   The doll on the left has been reworked several times. She looked a little worried and her eyes were too beady, so I sanded her face completely off and started again. The picture at right shows her new face.  I like it better.

I am also working on a couple of patterns.  No pictures of that yet.  

~ Dixie Redmond

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden