"Rare" Dixie Redmond Mini Izannah Doll in Progress

Here's what I'm working on now - a mini Izzy.  She needs thumbs, and to have her limbs painted and then set into the body covering.  Slowly, slowly, ten minutes at a time sometimes, she is coming together.  The description of my dolls as "rare" came from another doll-maker who was teasing me about my progress. I'm happy to say this girl is coming along.    

I was talking about studios with another artist on the phone, who is thinking about moving to Maine. She said, "I imagined you had this huge studio setup."  

I laughed at that, and said, "Nope.  I have a very small 8 x 10 room that fits a sewing table, an ironing board, a set of bookshelves and fabric storage."  

It's truly a kind of "cockpit" for creativity. The painting table is in the hallway in the basement leading to this room.  It's not magazine worthy.  But I am so thankful to have it, as in my last house I had to use the dining room table and pack and unpack stuff.  ~ Dixie Redmond


Lori Ann Corelis said...

OH Dixie . . . first off... I love her! Next . . . studios! I can take a photo that makes my studio look big, but it's a very small guest room . . . maybe 11 x 12, I run down to the basement for supplies, down the hall to the ironing board, (set up in another guest room) , the "shipping department" is the dining room (supplies in the step back along with dishes and glass ware!) Our linen closet has been taken over by wool and bins as has every closet in the house! :-) Such is the way of life . . . I have realized that I don't have a studio in our home . . . We just happen to live in my studio! happy stitches! L

Susie McMahon said...

Such a sweet countenance! I feel selfish having such a large studio space all to myself.....I think it is about 17' x 60' ..........huge. BUT I did endure just the dining table in our very small house for many years. The real wonder is: Where was all this STUFF before?

Dixie Redmond said...

"We just happen to live in my studio!" Lori Ann! Exactly! :-)

Dixie Redmond said...

Susan - I wonder that, too! Where did I keep the buttons and the lace and books???

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden