Change Your Environment: Change Your Life

This post could also be called any of the following: 

"Where Has Dixie Been?"

"How the Cozy Minimalist Course is Changing My Life"

"Rediscover Your Home"

"Quiet Your Home, Quiet Your Heart"

I've taken some time off blogging and art making to make changes in my home.  I wanted to cozy up my family room/kitchen/dining area.  I'm an artist but the room doesn't reflect that.  It looked like the train station to Boring & Neglected & Worn Out.  Example:  I had bought a temporary $20 rug for my family room FIVE YEARS AGO.  It was only okay then and after 5 years it was bedraggled.  Granted, other stuff has been going on in my life these past few years.  It's a gift to be able to think about paint colors and furniture.  Here are some before shots:  

For my birthday, I gave myself Nesting Place's Cozy Minimalist Course, which is a online four week course to teach you "How to Decorate Any Room Starting Right Now".  If you've read this blog at all, you know I LOVE Nesting Place. :-). I highly recommend this course!  It is now offered in a self-study format at an affordable price.  Read the details at the link below:

It was not only 4 weeks of fun, it is changing the way our home feels in so many ways. I made decisions on some things I had been waffling about.  I'm getting rid of things that don't contribute to the well-being of my family or give me joy.  There have been positive ripple effects to other rooms in my house and my life.  Change begets change.  

I never want to forget that a house is meant to serve the people who live there.  It's not a stage set.  We will live and move and laugh and snack in this room.   I have been making decisions with my people in mind (if course it can be pretty AND useful!). 

When the room is done, I will share before and after pictures, but I am still in the midst of making changes.  Goodbye, Powell Buff!  Hello, Mascarpone!

 I've done quite a bit already:


Martha said...

You will enjoy your changes. All of us go through phases and we change our likes and needs as we get older. I think there is a built in instinct to downsize as we get older too. We shed off excess baggage that slows us down, sort of like a butterfly shedding its cocoon to be free. Lighten our load ( so to speak ). We are doing this same thing here at home. Re doing, less clutter, new paint and living arrangements. Giving our nieces all our old things that they are of the age to want now. Good luck and I know you will be happy with your changes.

Julie said...

Dixie I did this four years ago and life changing it is. It has made me feel so free and energized. Way to go girl!!!!

Dixie Redmond said...

Lightening our load for sure! It feels GOOD.

Dixie Redmond said...

Julie, thanks for your comment. :-). It encouraged me to keep going.

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden