The comedy show we were planning for Project Graduation 2017 was a success. It made a decent amount of money. That is good! It was a tremendous amount of work, but the event was a tremendous amount of fun, so there was a built in reward for the work. Juston McKinney did a superb job performing for a crowd consisting of students, parents, teachers and grandparents. When we booked him, he agreed to do a PG show appropriate for teens and adults. I think he hit the mark spot on. I would recommend him without reservation for your event, if you are looking for a comedian for a show.
So now I am working on taxes. Printing out documents of last years art supply purchases steels my resolve to only make art from materials on hand. I got some books and supplies at Christmas that I am looking forward to using in the coming months. I have a few areas I want to learn about - the books above give a hint. I will probably be working on two dimensional works for a while as that is easier to fit into how life and family are working right now.
I wonder how many times I've told myself I would only make dolls with what I have on hand? Glad your event went well--and glad the work was rewarding. Cheers!
Jan - just before I hit my creative wall last year, I had bought a ton of supplies. I really can make 100 dolls without buying anything. Maybe that will be my goal?
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