An Art Goal: Use Only Supplies on Hand

The comedy show we were planning for Project Graduation 2017 was a success. It made a decent amount of money. That is good! It was a tremendous amount of work, but the event was a tremendous amount of fun, so there was a built in reward for the work. Juston McKinney did a superb job performing for a crowd consisting of students, parents, teachers and grandparents.  When we booked him, he agreed to do a PG show appropriate for teens and adults. I think he hit the mark spot on. I would recommend him without reservation for your event, if you are looking for a comedian for a show. 

So now I am working on taxes.  Printing out documents of last years art supply purchases steels my resolve to only make art from materials on hand.  I got some books and supplies at Christmas that I am looking forward to using in the coming months. I have a few areas I want to learn about - the books above give a hint.  I will probably be working on two dimensional works for a while as that is easier to fit into how life and family are working right now.  


Jan Conwell said...

I wonder how many times I've told myself I would only make dolls with what I have on hand? Glad your event went well--and glad the work was rewarding. Cheers!

Dixie Redmond said...

Jan - just before I hit my creative wall last year, I had bought a ton of supplies. I really can make 100 dolls without buying anything. Maybe that will be my goal?

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden