The Launching

These young men, cousins, were all born within 15 months of one another. They have grown up swimming at this lake where my dad has a camp. They have spent as much time together as many brothers do. They share a lot of common experiences but are all their own persons. Now we as a family get to see them seek out their own paths as young adults. We love them and hope for good things for them all. I would be lying if I said I haven't shed a tear or two or even three.  But I also recognize this is the way things are supposed to go. They grow up and we learn to let go.

Yesterday we dropped our own son off at his college. We had a really nice day and a half with him and got to help unload his stuff and see him personalize his side of the room some.  We had lunch and then gave him a hug and left him behind to head back home (a six hour drive). Nothing quite prepares you for that moment: a weaving together of concern and pride and hope and excitement. 

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden