Granny in Her Sunbonnet

Some years back, when I was visiting an older uncle in Florida, he let me take photos he had for scanning. I'm so glad I did that, because he passed away a couple years later. I've shared all those pictures with that side of the family.

This picture is one of my favorites, because it shows my Granny wearing a sunbonnet on the far left.  Next to her, in the middle at the back, is my uncle. My uncle was probably a teenager then because he joined the service when he was old enough. He was born in 1935, so I'm guessing this was sometime in the late 1940's.

But it was Granny's sunbonnet that catches my interest. It was really late to be wearing an old fashioned bonnet like that in the 1940's. But they were practical for keeping the sun off your neck and face. This article says they were worn in the country long after they were considered unfashionable by city folk. There are some patterns there if you are interested.

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keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden