Better Is the Goal

Some years ago the MAIDA Dolls Group had a Storybook Challenge which was published in Prims Magazine. You likely didn't see my doll in the magazine, because I advocated for a group shot of all the dolls instead of a photo of my doll. My doll ended up being in the fold of the printed version of the magazine. 😂. I have a tendency to promote others' work.

When I received my doll back from Prims, I noticed something about the nose I didn't like. It might have gotten bumped in the process, or it could have been some touch up I did before sending the doll. Anyway, I sat her on a shelf and she waited for YEARS for me to decide to make make her *better*.  I've repainted this creation so many times that some of the incised detail on the hair was muted, so I decided to carve the grooves again. This etching tool carves wonderfully into dry, hard Creative Paperclay.

So she's getting better.  After this NO MORE REPAINTING, Dixie! On to body covering and she needs a basket. 

1 comment:

Daisy Debs said...

She's such a lovely doll must be very hard to send your dolls away. Did you mend her poor little nose ? :)

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden