Delete Forever?

One of the things I love about Gmail is the "delete forever" button. I'm not just deleting them, I'm deleting them FOREVER. ;-) I get such a feeling of satisfaction when I click that button and watch those particular e-mails go away forever.

What if there were such a button in real life? Instead of e-mails, though, it would be real stuff that's annoying in life, like:

Delete Forever!

Delete Forever!

Delete Forever!

Extra pounds?
Delete Forever!

Delete Forever!

Parking tickets?
Delete Forever!

Car Problems?
Delete Forever!

As you know, there isn't a "Delete Forever" button in real life. There's a put your nose to the grindstone and stop surfin' the net button, though. There's a put on some music while you dust button. There's a stop eating pizza nightly button. There's a stop talking while the teacher is talking button. These are internal buttons, internal choices. It appears that there are solutions to all those problems, they're just not instantaneous. Boo-hoo. It must be time for another Spotted Killjoy.

I'll leave you with a picture I took of a beautiful Columbian doll at Lucy's Doll House. She's so sweet!


Dawn said...

Wouldn't that be nice? No accidents, no mistakes, no (turned out) poor choice!
Life would be grand!
And the doll is wonderful.

Christine Crocker said...

oh if only there was...

that is a beautiful dolly.
I do love thos little red boots.

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden